In this section you may find answers to frequently asked questions.
If you cannot find the answer you need, contact us and our specialists will give you a quick response.
How to install Grizzly Pro antivirus with no Internet connection?
- To install antivirus do the following actions:
1. Download and unpack the installation package in any folder.
2. Run setup.exe file.
3. Follow the installer recommendation.
Attention. To install the antivirus on a computer with no Internet connection, a license file needs to be obtained beforehand.
- To install antivirus do the following actions:
How to activate Grizzly Pro antivirus with no Internet connection?
- If the antivirus is to be installed on a computer with no Internet connection, you may obtain the license file via email through technical support. To do this, you need to send a request for offline activation license to email support@grizzly-pro.ru In the letter, please indicate name and email, on which the license and activation key will be registered.
How can Grizzly Pro antivirus be updated if it has been installed on a computer with no Internet connection?
- Set up updates mirroring. Activate “Mirror updates in designated folder” option in updates settings on one of the machines (it is advisable that it has permanent Internet connection and is set for automatic antivirus update). A network folder accessible for all users should be set as a directory for mirroring. Then, set this folder on other machines as a source of update. However, you may simply copy the folder with actual content to other computer with no Internet connection and set it as a source of update. Then, save the changes and start updating.
«No connection to licensing server» error appears while trying to obtain the license. What shall I do?
- Check if Internet connection is available. If it is available, make sure that firewall (including built-in Windows Firewall as well as firewalls belonging to other Internet Security) does not block the access to grizzlysvc.exe and grizzlyav.exe processes network. Turn off the firewall and repeat the try (read here: http://windows.microsoft.com/ru-ru/windows/turn-windows-firewall-on-off#turn-windows-firewall-on-off=windows-7 how to turn off Windows Firewall). Moreover, if you do not use proxy server for Internet connection, make sure that in antivirus settings, in «Network» tab, the option “Use proxy-server” is inactive. If you use proxy-server, indicate its parameters in antivirus settings.
I’m sure that the file is infected but your antivirus says it’s not.
- One of the most probable reasons is that the sample of this malware is not registered in our database. There I a chance you are dealing with a «fresh» newly developed malware. We will gladly use your help to improve our protection. We will be thankful if you send us infected file for analysis and registering in our database. Please, archive the file with password 123 and send the archive to support@grizzly-pro.ru with subject «Virus» or «Вирус».
Antivirus says the file is infected but I’m sure it is not.
- If you assume that antivirus defines a legal program as a virus, choose «Mark as false response» as an action on file. This file will be sent to virus lab for further reanalysis and, in case the error is confirmed, virus database will be respectively updated. You may also send the problem file to support@grizzly-pro.ru (please, archive the file with password 123) with subject «False response».
Antivirus notifies that the file is “probably infected”. What does it mean?
- «Probably infected» means that the file reminds a virus due to a number of sings. The file may be both infected and clean. Only a human can determine whether the file is clean. Please, send this file to support@grizzly-pro.ru in archive with password 123 and subject «Suspicious file». The file will sent to virus lab for further analysis. We will notify you about the results of the analysis.
I have an antivirus from other developer installed on my computer. Will your antivirus function properly along with other antivirus program?
- We do not guarantee proper functioning of our antivirus along with other antivirus programs. You may install our antivirus at your own risk. Anyway, if you plan using our system protection function, we recommend turning off other antivirus programs.
Are databases updated automatically or manually?
- Our antivirus is updated every 4 hours by default. You may set up a convenient schedule for updates. You may also update the database manually from the main window. Moreover, Antivirus has the option of creation of user tasks updates.
How will I know that the virus database is updated?
- Virus database is updated if the there were no errors in the process of updating. In our version of antivirus, the date of virus database update may be checked in «Information» menu, «About program» tab.
How can I repot a problem?
- A problem may be reported in one of the following methods:
1. Method #1 (recommended): Please, go to menu Start>All programs>GRIZLY ANTIVIRUS>Report a problem to technical support (don’t forget to add a brief description of the problem and your email for feedback).
2. Method #2: Send an email to support@grizzly-pro.ru and state what the problem is.
- A problem may be reported in one of the following methods:
Why there is no sound effect with the action?
- Sound effects are turned off by default. You may turn them on in menu Setting>Format. Sound effects are not played with active Play mode.
Our antivirus finds malware in other antivirus at express scan. What shall I do?
- There may be two reasons for this. The first one (unlikely) - the other antivirus is really infected with malware. The second one (most likely) - the other antivirus keeps its malware samples in open mode. These are the files detected by our antivirus. To clear the situation, report the problem in any convenient way. Anyway, to avoid this situation, do not run other antivirus programs with our antivirus.
Why isn’t my copy of antivirus launched without installation?
- At present, there no portable versions of GRIZZLY Antivirus products. We do not guarantee functioning of the antivirus without proper installation.
Why can’t antivirus be installed/launched in the Safe mode?
- Only basic services and drivers needed for start of Windows are loaded in the Safe mode. Drivers and services needed for complete functioning of the antivirus cannot be launched.
How to change selected action for infected and suspicious file in «System protection» section? Why are these actions reset to «Ask the user» after antivirus restart?
- «System protection» tab keeps actions previously selected by the user in pop-up messages and applied for similar objects (i.e. only actions, envisaged in pop-up messages are available). When the antivirus is restarted or system protection is turned off, actions selected for all objects are reset. This has been done with purpose, as the fact of system protection reset is a non-standard situation that requires a well-considered solution from the user.
Does Grizzly Antivirus have a firewall?
- At present, grizzly Antivirus has only a web traffic scanner.
Does Grizzly Antivirus have a proactive protection?
- GRIZZLY Antivirus is equipped with a powerful heuristic analysis engine, which is one of the elements of proactive protection.
What is a compatibility mode?
- System performance may be affected up to complete system block in case of simultaneous functioning of programs conflicting with our antivirus. That is why we use compatibility mode for such situations; it is a special functioning mode, in which our antivirus does not conflict with other antivirus programs or other software. In compatibility mode, functional that may conflict with other software installed on the computer is turned off.
Does the antivirus have an anti-rootkit?
- The antivirus already has some elements of anti-rootkit technologies that primarily serve for detection of hidden malware. Undoubtedly, there’s still room for improvement but we always move forward; new functional is regularly being added to fight this urgent type of threads.
How to turn on the computer in safe mode?
- Use this one of these links to find detailed information on how to turn on the computer in safe mode: http://windows.microsoft.com/ru-ru/windows/start-computer-safe-mode#start-computer-safe-mode=windows-7 https://www.asus.com/ru/support/faq/1013018/
Computer’s performance reduced.
- Reduced performance of a computer may be caused by different factors. Antivirus logs can help deal with this situation. To send logs, please tab Start>All programs>GRIZZLY Antivirus>Report the problem to technical support. Don’t forget to add a description of the problem and your email for feedback. Also, please leave answers to the following questions in problem description field:
• Is your computer naturally slow?
• Did computer’s performance reduced after the Antivirus had been installed?
• Is your computer slow in some specific moments (for instance, during a complete scan)?
We are thankful for the presented information.
- Reduced performance of a computer may be caused by different factors. Antivirus logs can help deal with this situation. To send logs, please tab Start>All programs>GRIZZLY Antivirus>Report the problem to technical support. Don’t forget to add a description of the problem and your email for feedback. Also, please leave answers to the following questions in problem description field:
What difference does «play mode» make in terms of functioning?
- «Play mode» is a mode, during which the antivirus provides comfortable work with full-screen application and does not do tasks related to high resource consumption, which does not affect PC protection. It is urgent in those cases, when it can distract a user with notifications, consuming recourses. In particular, «play mode» bocks some background tasks (including scheduled scan); requests for action and informational messages do not pop up.
What does «Block the use of active FTP mode» in Web protection tab mean? In what cases should it be applied? Could you provide an example?
- Due to a special realization of web protection, the antivirus does not scan transferred data with connection to FTP server in «active» mode. By activating «Block the use of active FTP mode» option you forbid applications to connect FTP server in «active» mode; only connection in «passive» mode will be available. In this case, the antivirus will scan all traffic sent through FTP protocol. Most applications process the situation correctly, when the first try to connect to FTP (in «active» mode) failed and connection to server is automatically established from the second try (in «passive» mode). But there exist applications that stop after the reporting error at the first try. For such applications, «passive» mode needs to be manually turned on in settings.
«Grizzlyav.exe» and »grizzlysvc.exe» appear in the task manager with active antivirus. Why there are two of them and what do they do?
- «Grizzlyav.exe» is the «basic» process that performs scanning, checking in real time etc.; »grizzlysvc.exe» primarily serves for visual user interface.
The infected file was deleted when being healed.
- As a rule, antivirus deletes malicious code from the file when it is being healed turning it back to original, clean state. However, in case of trojans and other files completely consisting of malicious code, healing means deletion of the file and cleaning up the system. In this case, when error in healing processes occurs, the file won’t be deleted. If needed, you may restore deleted files (Quarantine/Reserve storage tab).
Antivirus cannot be launched through shortcut
- In order to open main window of the antivirus through shortcut, add ‘/v’ key to the run line. This may be done the following way: click right mouse button on the shortcut, choose «properties». In the appeared window, choose add «/v» key after the run line in the field «Object». The run line and the key must be separated with space. If the run line is enclosed in quotation marks, the key must be placed beyond the quotation marks. Such key has already been indicated and functions properly in the shortcut located in Start\All programs\GRIZZLY Antivirus. There are other ways to open antivirus window: there is an icon of the antivirus in the tray next to the clock (in new Oss these icons may be hidden in the panel that may be opened with a click on the arrow). Double click on this icon opens main window of the antivirus. You may also click right mouse button on the icon and choose «Open GRIZZLY Antivirus» menu tab.
The antivirus restarts while healing memory and asks to start scanning while system being loaded.
- Maybe you mean restart of the PC while healing an infected object in the random access memory. Restart is one of the necessary steps in memory healing; it cannot be turned off. If you do not want PC to restart, you may decline memory healing. Suggestion to run complete scan after the restart is also a necessary step in memory healing. If the computer has been restarted not in the process of healing, there should be no request for scanning.
Skips a file while scanning («Skipped» tracker)
- The antivirus cannot scan some file as these files are damaged, protected with a password (the password is unknown) etc. These are the files that are considered to be skipped; their number is calculated in the «Skipped» section. If you untick the option «Do not notify about errors» and tick the option «Notify about archives protected with a password», you can see all skipped files in «Objects» table in the scanning window.
An error occurs while installing/deleting/updating/ scanning etc.
- Please, send Antivirus logs to the technical support. To send the logs use tab in Start>All programs>GRIZZLY Antivirus>Report a problem to technical support. Do not forget to add a description of the problem and your email for feedback.
The computer won’t start after the antivirus had been installed (BSOD or freeze).
- Please, turn on the computer in «Safe mode with network support»; use one of the links to read to how do it: http://windows.microsoft.com/ru-ru/windows/start-computer-safe-mode#start-computer-safe-mode=windows-7 https://www.asus.com/ru/support/faq/1013018/ Being in safe mode, please, collect and send Antivirus logs to technical support. To send the logs use tab in Start>All programs>GRIZZLY Antivirus>Report a problem to technical support. Do not forget to add a description of the problem and your email for feedback. This will help reveal the source of the problem. After the logs have been sent remove the antivirus with the help of «Programs and components panel» or running removal program by clicking Start>All programs>GRIZZLY Antivirus>Remove Grizzly Antivirus.